Create supportive relationships the right people!

  • Propel your success!

    Knowing how to develop and sustain solid and supportive relationships with the right people who can propel you forward is essential to achieving even greater success.

  • Leverage social styles

    One key to establishing more solid relationships is to learn how to identify and leverage people's unique social styles so you can fine-tune your approach.

  • Quality relationships that count!

    This course can get you on the right track to establishing quality relationships with people who are highly motivated to support you and your business.

Empower Supportive Relationships for Success Course Curriculum

Click on a lesson below to see the contents.

  • 1

    Course Introduction

    • Empower Supportive Relationships for Success - Course Intro

  • 2

    Lesson 1—It's About Quality, Not Quantity

    • Video Lesson

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - The 5 Keys to Developing Quality Relationships

  • 3

    Lesson 2—Meet the Right People

    • Video Lesson 1 of 2

    • Video Lesson 2 of 2

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - The 10 Keys to Meeting the Right People

  • 4

    Lesson 3—Make It About Them

    • Video Lesson 1 of 2

    • Video Lesson 2 of 2

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - The 12 Keys to Making It About Them

  • 5

    Lesson 4—Cultivate Solid Relationships by Following Up

    • Video Lesson

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - The 10 Keys to Following Up Effectively

  • 6

    Lesson 5—Fine-Tune Your Communications

    • Video Lesson

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - The 7 Keys to Fine-Tuning Your Communications

  • 7

    Lesson 6—Develop Mentors and Leverage Coaches

    • Video Lesson

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - The 10 Keys to Developing Mentors & Leveraging Coaches

  • 8

    Lesson 7—Learn to Identify and Leverage Social Styles

    • Video Lesson 1 of 2

    • Video Lesson 2 of 2

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - How to Identify and Leverage Social Styles

  • 9

    Lesson 8—Become a Servant Leader to Build a Solid Team

    • Video Lesson

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - The 9 Keys to Becoming a Servant Leader

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Empower Supportive Relationships for Success