Develop an emotional foundation that cannot be shaken.

  • Solid as a rock!

    A solid emotional foundation is critical to long-term success because it provides you with the ability to make positive, healthy choices as life’s challenges come your way.

  • Research has shown

    Research has shown about 50% of who you is your inherited "temperament" that causes to think and feel the way you do. This course will open your eyes to your basic temperament, and more!

  • Learn the eight keys!

    In this course you'll learn the eight keys to developing a solid emotional foundation to aid you in broadening, expanding, and propelling your success.

Empower a Solid Emotional Foundation for Success Course Curriculum

Click on a lesson below to see the contents.

  • 1

    Course Introduction

    • Empower a Solid Emotional Foundation for Success - Course Intro

  • 2

    Lesson 1—Understand Your Basic Temperament

    • Video Lesson

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - Understand Your Basic Temperament

  • 3

    Lesson 2—Consider the Impact of Your Birth Order

    • Video Lesson 1 of 2

    • Video Lesson 2 of 2

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - Understand the Powerful Impact of Your Birth Order

  • 4

    Lesson 3—Become More Self-Aware

    • Video Lesson 1 of 2

    • Video Lesson 2 of 2

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - The 10 Keys to Becoming More Self-Aware

  • 5

    Lesson 4—Set Healthy Boundaries

    • Video Lesson 1 of 2

    • Video Lesson 2 of 2

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - The 10 Keys to Setting Healthy Boundaries

  • 6

    Lesson 5—Be Willing to Forgive

    • Video Lesson

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - The 7 Keys to Reaching a State of Forgiveness

  • 7

    Lesson 6—Conquer Negativity

    • Video Lesson 1 of 2

    • Video Lesson 2 of 2

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - The 10 Keys to Conquering Negativity

  • 8

    Lesson 7—Have an Attitude of Gratitude

    • Video Lesson

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - The 10 Keys to Creating an Attitude of Gratitude

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - The 10 Keys to Creating an Attitude of Gratitude

  • 9

    Lesson 8—Learn to Pause and Take a Breath

    • Video Lesson

    • PRINTABLE HANDOUT - The 5 Key Types of Essential Pauses

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Empower a Solid Emotional Foundation for Success