Success Empowerment Program Terms of Service

By signing up for the Success Empowerment Program or any of its courses you are agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Service”). 

Any new features or tools which are added to the current Service shall be also subject to the Terms of Service. We reserve the right to update and change the Terms of Service at any time, so please review them frequently. If we make material changes to these terms, we will notify you here that it has been updated.

You must read, agree with and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this Terms of Service agreement and our Privacy Policy, before you may enroll as a student in the Success Empowerment Program or any or individual courses.

1. Account Terms

  1. You must be 18 years or older or at least the age of majority in the jurisdiction where you reside or from which you use this Service.
  2. You must provide your name, a valid email address, and any other information requested in order to complete the signup process.
  3. You acknowledge that the Success Empowerment Program will use the email address you provide as the primary method for communication.
  4. You are responsible for keeping your password secure. The Success Empowerment Program cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage from your failure to maintain the security of your account and password.
  5. A breach or violation of any term in the Terms of Service as determined at the sole discretion of the Success Empowerment Program will result in immediate termination of your access to the program and its courses.

2. Account Activation

  1. Subject to section 2.2, the person signing up for the Service will be the contracting party (“Account Owner”) for the purposes of our Terms of Service and will be the person who is authorized to use any corresponding account we may provide to the Account Owner in connection with the Service.
  2. If you are signing up for the Service on behalf of your employer, your employer shall be the Account Owner. If you are signing up for the Service on behalf of your employer, then you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind your employer to our Terms of Service.

3. General Conditions

  1. You must read, agree with and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this User Agreement and the Privacy Policy before you may become an enrolled Success Empowerment Program student.
  2. Technical support is only provided to paying account holders and is primarily offered via email.
  3. You may not use the Success Empowerment Program for any illegal or unauthorized purpose nor may you, in the use of the Service, violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws).
  4. You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the Service without the express written permission by Success Mastery Strategies, the producer and owner of the Success Empowerment Program.
  5. Questions about the Terms of Service should be sent to [email protected].
  6. You acknowledge and agree that your use of the Service, including information transmitted to or stored by Thinkific, which hosts the Success Empowerment Program website and its course materials, is governed by its privacy policy at

4. Limitation of Liability

  1. You expressly understand and agree that the Success Empowerment Program shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages—including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses resulting from the use of or inability to use the service.
  2. In no event shall the Success Empowerment Program or our suppliers be liable for lost profits or any special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with our site, our services, or this agreement (however arising including negligence). You agree to indemnify and hold us and (as applicable) our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, officers, directors, agents, and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this Agreement or the documents it incorporates by reference or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party.
  3. Your use of the Service is at your sole risk. The Service is provided on an ”as is“ and ”as available“ basis without any warranty or condition, express, implied or statutory.
  4. The Success Empowerment Program does not warrant that the Service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free.
  5. The Success Empowerment Program does not warrant that the quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by you through the Service will meet your expectations, or that any errors in the Service will be corrected.
  6. In no event will Service Provider’s aggregate liability for all claims of any kind, including any claims arising out of or related to this agreement, whether by statute, contract, tort, or under any other theory of liability, exceed the fees paid by you for the Success Empowerment Program or individual courses hereunder.

5. Waiver and Complete Agreement

The failure of Success Mastery Strategies, the producer and owner of the Success Empowerment Program, to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. These Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement between you and us, and govern your use of the Service, superseding any prior agreements between you and us (including, but not limited to, any prior versions of the Terms of Service).

6. Cancellation and Termination

  1. You may cancel your account at any time by emailing [email protected] and then following the specific instructions indicated to you in our response. 
  2. If you are not satisfied with the benefits provided by this program and notify us of the same within 30 days of the day you pay us for access we will issue you a full refund.
  3. If you wish for your personal data to be deleted, please let us know when you request the cancellation. If you have requested that your personal data be deleted when the cancellation has been confirmed we will remove all of your data from the Thinkific courseware system. Since the deletion of all data from the Thinkific courseware system is final, please ensure that you do in fact wish to cancel your account AND have all of your personal data deleted before requesting that we do so.